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“Screen Time” is the time that we spend on watching television or films, video games, working with a computer, using a phone and tablet. It is sometimes difficult for us, adults, it is difficult to postpone the phone, turn off the series, leave the social networks – what can we say about children.

The World Health Organization has issued new recommendations on how much screen time is given to children of different ages per day. The opinion of specialists of the WHO is this: children under the age of two years should not at all contact phones, tablets and other devices. It is permissible for a child 2-4 years old to spend no more than one hour a day in the screens.

These tips coincide with the recommendations that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) previously published. If your family has older children, AAP experts recommend developing the so -called « family media plan ». This is a set of rules suitable for you, the purpose of which is to limit the “screen time” and replace digital activity more useful, but no less interesting things.

Having made such a plan, you can get a lot of new useful habits. To establish a dream, add a game and creativity to a daily routine, start cooking together – all these actions will help maintain an emotional connection between you and your children.

Doctors are the alarm

The rationality of the above recommendations of the WH is regularly confirmed by researchers from different parts of the planet. Medical School of Washington University studied the data of the survey 52 thousand. Volunteers – among them were children, adolescents, and adults. It turned out that in our time adults spend on average 6 and a half hours a day, and adolescents – 8 hours. At the same time, 65% of adults, 59% of adolescents and 62% of children spend at least two hours a day with gadgets in their hands.

Studies conducted by the US National Medical Library and the Kaiser Family Foundation showed that American children are completely devoted to gadgets, television and computer games 7-8 hours a day. Doctors are worried that there is little physical activity in the life of children – and gadgets play a role in this story.

The American Cardiological Association made a statement that called on parents to reduce the screen time for children. Association employees say that such a lifestyle increases the likelihood of excess weight or even obesity. Employees of the University of Montreal agree with them. They found that an increase in the body weight index in children was associated with excessive access to the TV.

Talk with your child about the safety rules on the network and do not neglect the function of parental control

The authors of scientific publications and articles are the alarm: they say that preschoolers do not play enough in the fresh air. Meanwhile, regular sorties to nature, games on the street improve mood and behavior, reduce stress, contribute to the growth of social skills


. The authors of the research understand that not everyone has access to a cozy and safe space for fresh air games. They offer parents an alternative: more often to go to the park with children, to a public playground, to write them down in sports circles.

Finally, researchers associate the excess of the screen time with difficulties in learning. Employees of the University of Alberta and the University of Ayov found that too frequent and too long the use of digital devices can lead to difficulties with concentration and attentiveness. This is especially true for preschool children.

Other studies, including two recent articles published in the journal of reading and pediatrics, say that reading paper books is preferable than reading electronic books. It turns out that we better understand the work if we studied it in print. Experts admit that watching the TV and playing on the phone in modest quantities do not harm.

No one argues: gadgets are an integral part of our life. Nevertheless, all of them believe that a reduction in the amount of screen time leads to an improvement in physical and mental health, as well as to strengthen social ties, stimulates intellectual and creative development.

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